Introducing our client of the month! Meet Erin engelson


Introducing our first ever FIXXED Client of The Month- Erin Engelson.

We are so excited to bring you our Client Spotlight and introduce you to one of the best! Erin is currently training for the 2022 Boston Marathon, and uses dry needling as a staple throughout her training. Check out our interview with Erin and get to know her better! 

1. What brought you into FIXXED and what keeps you coming back? 

I was dealing with some nagging plantar fasciitis and once I started training for Boston at the beginning of the year I knew I had to address it! I learned of Fixxed from Instagram and booked an appointment with Ariel for a graston session - but after talking through my issues she suggested Dry Needling which literally changed my life! I love the ease of booking appointments, convenience, not having to deal with insurance, the variety of Fixxed's offerings, and the knowledge and experience of all the staff. 

2. What's your favorite Fixx? 

Dry needling! It's totally weird and totally awesome! It has given me relief in my chronically tight calves and kept me running. As a kid I was so afraid of needles that I would pitch a total fit whenever I had to get a vaccine or have blood drawn...and look at me now, willingly getting poked in the legs with needles every week

3. When you're not at FIXXED, where can we find you? 

Spending time with my baby nephew who is the actual cutest baby ever (not biased at all), running (obv), on my yoga mat, or somewhere, anywhere, drinking an iced coffee!

4. Tell us more about your marathon! What cause are you fundraising for this year's Boston Marathon? 

I am running the 2022 Boston Marathon in support of the Home Base Program. Home Base is dedicated to healing the invisible wounds of war for Veterans of all eras and their families through world-class clinical care, wellness, education and research. Home Base operates the first and largest private-sector clinic in the nation devoted to providing life-saving clinical care and support for the treatment of post-traumatic stress, traumatic brain injury, anxiety, depression, co-occurring substance use disorder, family relationship challenges and other issues associated with military service. I signed up for the Run to Home Base in 2014 because I thought it would be cool to run through Fenway Park - I didn't really know too much about the organization. Once I learned more about the hardships that veterans face when they return home, and all the amazing things that Home Base is doing to help them, I felt really connected to the cause. I've since done the Run to Home Base 2 more times and was so excited to be accepted onto the Home Base marathon team for 2022!

5. What's been the most challenging part about marathon training? 

Dealing with the weather! After a certain point in training the running itself just becomes so routine and even enjoyable - but New England weather is not a vibe. There were a few runs this training cycle that really tested me because of how cold and miserable they were.

6. What's next for you after this marathon? 

I am doing a fall marathon (the Dublin marathon in Ireland) but in the meantime I can't wait to get back to throwing some heavy weights around, doing more group fitness classes, and maybe staying up past 9pm!

7. What's your spirit animal? 

Elephant - I'm very family oriented and loyal, and I love the quiet strength of the elephant. (I also have a really good memory)


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